How do you blog? What is the banjiri comment? What purse money also have to meet your bag? Okay. If you feel you have a blog that has not been busy enough so that you choked the flow of money, let's try more incentive to promote our blog. But before, you first need to read your blog on how to order in many comment.
You surely know, there are thousands of Internet blogs. If not smart-smart marketing blog, so can not at Dilirik visitors. This means the hard work you are useless. Because blogs that you create and manage at all and do not get readers. That old-old will also make you a loss. The money you spend for the blog, is not behind the capital.
Let your blog is not a fate like that, you can praktekkan moment-the moment that blogs can bring traffic and money membludak overflow below. All under this moment you can jajal one at home continue to work consistently.
Participate actively in the Forum. Participate actively in the forum can be a powerful way. But do not select any forum. Select a forum that has many members. Then it took active cuap-cuap there. Do not be ashamed also show you the excess. Create a forum so all the member know if you have a surplus. And do not forget to insert the name of your blog out every comment. This way your blog will be known more quickly. Member forum members will be pro-crowd crowd to your blog. In addition to hair, they may want more in acquaintance with you. ;)
Comments on the blog so busy and try the first commentator. Alternatively, search the blog and so many visitors have given a new post immediately comment. With so many benefits you can be. In addition to be acquainted with the owner of a blog, so also add friends from other bloggers, with a comment to make at the beginning will often read by the next visitor. Remember, besides reading, visitors also love to read comments! If they are interested in your comment, they will come to your blog.
Join the blog carnival. Blog is a community of this type of blog that consists of a variety of blogs with a variety of topic articles. Confused? It's easy to remember, remember that fit through a carnival in front of the house. Participants of various definitive. There are so police, doctors, and others. So even with this type of blog. Various contents. And sometimes as formatted magazine. In which each consist of a variety edisinya any posts from various blogs. Take only join in to your blog. One of the examples such as this blog carnival.
Join the blog network. To expand your network can take advantage of the blog network. Blog network is quite good as this and this.
Daftarlah in the blog directory. Let visitors to easily find your blog, harmless to register your blog in blog directory. Many kinds of blog directory you can select. Try typing in the search engine the words "blog directories", and select a blog directory and many bonafid.
The list in article directories. Articles best you can be registered in the article directories. So that more readers know about you. Show the expertise you have in any posts, so that interested readers to come to your blog. Search article directories that you like on Google or Yahoo.
List on the Google Sitemaps. Blog so that you can create a more friendly with Google, you can take advantage of Google Sitemaps.
Give the gift. Do not be stingy-stingy! Give visitors to your blog prize if you visit the blog. Gifts such as ebook or the other, will maintain the relationship with the readers of your blog. Blog so you can quickly crowded.
Create relationships with other bloggers. This recipe is ancient, but always proven effective. Have many friends you will be very profitable. Complicated relationships with other bloggers. Visit the blog and give their comments. Always observed the development of their blog and give feedback. This is for the union to fellow bloggers.
Follow the mailing list. Mailing list can also push up visitors to your blog. Find a mailing list that match your blog topic and many members. Search in yahoogroups. And so to join, is active there. Not only about promoting your blog is created, but also to share your knowledge. If you can, make yourself as the master list as a place to ask other member. Make sure the future will come to your blog.
Take advantage of social media. In addition to interact with fellow blogger, social media can also take advantage of you. Facebook for example, you can use to find and collect old friends you. Myspace and Friendster you can also try.
Answer on Yahoo Answers. Occasionally visit Yahoo Answer and answer questions there. In addition to increase your credibility, you also get well faster. ;)
A lot you can do? The idea for a network of knowledgeable relationships get more and more people interested in visiting your blog. Then try to keep the relationship even though they often come to your blog. If you have many who come, surely purse money you will also blister.
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